Sarah Tirri Children's Foundation

The Sarah Tirri Children’s Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization is dedicated to helping children develop into well-adjusted, happy adults by way of promoting Literacy.

Children who have developed strong reading skills from an early age perform better in school, are less frustrated, and have a healthier self-image. These children are more able to expand their vocabulary and recognize the written word with ease. Self-reliance is the natural byproduct of an erudite child and triggers curiosity. A curious child is more likely to become a life-long seeker of knowledge – leading to opportunities that culminate into more rewarding life experiences.

A child who has been encouraged to read from an early age is more likely to be comfortable expressing their imagination and giving voice to their creative ideas. A creative child is more inclined to want to explore the world around them and is able to refine their problem-solving skills by thinking outside-the-box and communicating their intelligence without inhibition.

Creativity can often lead to entrepreneurship. Even if a higher-education is off-limits, children who are taught to set-up, manage, and promote their own business at an early age are more likely as an adult to see as realistic and attractive the prospect of free enterprise. Not every child is destined for university, and allowing them the opportunity to write, own, and market their own product from a young age will help improve their ability to speculate, dream big, and push boundaries.

Did you know that illiteracy is costing America? The U.S. reading crisis is 20 years in the making and 130 million read below 6th grade level.



  • 1 in 4 children in America grow up without learning how to read.
  • Children who cannot read proficiently by the 3rd grade are 4 times more likely to drop out of school.
  • 2/3rds of American children who cannot competently read by the end of their 4th grade year will wind up in jail or on government welfare.
  • 90% of high school dropouts are on welfare.
  • Over 70% of America’s prison inmates cannot read above a 4th grade level – attesting to the fact that there is a close link between literacy and crime.
  • 75% of Americans who receive food stamps perform at the lowest two  levels of literacy,
  • Teenage girls between the ages of 16 to 19 who have below average literacy skills are 6 x more likely to have children out of wedlock.

If you capture a child’s attention and turn him on to reading from a young age – it looks to me like the whole world would look like a totally different place – very quickly.

I have created a reading tool that even if you are a busy working mum or dad, your child can still be read to.

They will read the words of each story as they hear me read them. This is the key to reaching and teaching and exciting a child quickly and effectively. They will be enthralled by the beautiful illustrations from young talent all across the world, and their imagination will ignite.

If your child would like to enter the Travis the Tent Writing Competition – it’s free! Your child could be the next bestselling author, and their readers will be inspired, with reading levels improving everywhere. Read the facts above. Promoting Literacy is the mission of the Sarah Tirri Children Foundation. Please participate, it will mean the world.

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Sarah Tirri Children’s Foundation is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 05-0577760.